Information & Links
Useful information & Links to help you find out more about home care for you or someone you know.
Funding your care
You may be eligible to receive funding to finance your home care. We've found some useful pages to help you find out more.
Care at Home -
Residential Care -
Care needs Assessment
Do you need help at home, but don't know where to start? A care needs assessment is the first step to helping you and it doesn't cost you a penny!
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
A personal independence payment can help you with extra living costs, if you have a physical or mental health condition or disability or difficulty doing everyday tasks.
Attendence Allowance
If you have a disability severe enough that you need someone to help look after you, you could be entitled to an attendence allowance.
DISCLAIMER - We do not own this information we have resourced this information from outside sources making it more accessible for our clients and those who need it.
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